Saturday, January 31, 2009

So yesterday...

...Was a pretty awesome day!

I went to the CIPA Qualifier at The High School, and it was awesome. So I knew going into the competition that a lot of the groups would not be finished with their shows. Most of the groups start in December, or the very beginning of January, and some groups have very little time for practice, but in order for groups to be able to compete in the CIPA circut they have to perform in a qualifier. Normally qualifiers are quite boring cause the drumline shows are only either a third or half of the way done, and most of the guards walk around doing nothing because they haven't learned work for those sets yet. Normally at these events I'm quite bored, and never really into it. I thought I was just going to be cheering for the Easley groups, but for once and I'm being quite honest, this qualifier quenched my thirst. There were so many good groups, and yeah they may have been sloppy, but this was only the first competition of the season. With more practices and more competitions the groups will get better.

I like to think of the colorguard scene kind of like the x-games scene. You think you've seen it all, but there's always bigger and better tricks coming. Color Guard is evolving and growing, and coming to a point where in order to do better, you have to do these new tricks and do them well. It's amazing, and it makes me want to be able to do a lot of the stuff they are doing.

Anyways, I kind of derailed off my main subject of this entire blog. Trifecta got first place, and there was one other group in their class. I am a bit mad at myself though. Their show was so awesome, and I was so close to trying out. I mean I was studying that music a lot(Even though I had it for only a week.), and getting myself prepped. Oh well, I would have just slowed them down.

The Varsity's show was freaking amazing. The show was entitled 212. Based on the whole water boils at 212 degrees. I loved it like whoa!!! Everyone of those people in the Varsity I've seen grow so much, and they all are amazing talented people. They deserved the first place!!!

The JV's show(Entitled Asylum...I think.) was also amazing, and I liked it a lot...I just wish it wasn't that Rihanna song Disturbia. To me that song is just so annoying, and the fact I've never been a Rihanna fan and find her annoying, just makes it hard for me to want to listen to the song. I love their show though. It goes well with it, and they are all just so animated, and taking the sort of insane asylum theme to the limit it should be at.

Other than that I got to hang out with Kathryn for a while. I got a few chances to sit and chat with Clint, but he was a runner(Poor soul). He pretty much had collect al the judging sheets, and take them to the room where they tabulate the scores. The times I got to talk with him were cool. It's been a while. I also got to see my friend Amber, who was in guard with me and also graduated with me. It was good to see her. I saw so many other people, but didn't get a chance to talk to them. That and I also kind of felt awkward just walking up to someone and saying hey.

After they announced that Easley Varsity won the Intermediate class, I left and went straight to record the podcast. Brandon and Todd wasn't there, which I didn't mind cause I wanted to get home and sleep, and I know that if they would have been there, I'd stay until they left, which meant holding off sleep. The holding off of sleep happened anyway. I watched the new episode of Doctor Who. What makes me mad though, is it's a to be continued episode, and next week is the season finale. I won't be home next Saturday to watch it. :( Oh Well.

Today is so far good. Sunday school was very thought provoking. Tony made us take a Super Bowl test thing. then he made us flip the paper over. Here is the assignment he gave us: "An angel comes to you at the very end of the day, and tells you that today was your last day to live, but I'll let you live one more day if you write a heart felt meaning full letter of encouragement or to tell them about Jesus, and you'll get one more day to live."

To me stuff like this gets my mind worked up, and I get so inspired. He said it could be to anyone. The first person that popped in my head was my best friend Clint so I wrote a letter to him, but I'd rather not post it here. I'm going to send him what it said, because I think he should know.

Anyway The morning service was good also. I liked it a lot. Pastor Jim is amazing. He not only preaches, but he dives into the text and expresses the deeper meaning of what the text says and means. He's amazing, and I'm glad he's at Brushy Creek.

Well that's all for now.

I need a nap!!!

Much love

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