Monday, April 11, 2011

Wedding bells are ringing (BEDA #11)

Well there really weren't bells ringing, but there was a wedding!

Yesterday, my friend Melissa, Ashley, and I went to Table Rock Lodge for our friend's wedding. It was a lovely day which was a good thing because the wedding was outside.

We had to be there at 10 am to help set up. Ashley's mom is the wedding director, and Angie (The mother of the bride) asked us if we would like to help out as well. I couldn't say no because Angie had always been there for me when I needed someone to talk to at camp.

We decorated the reception area, put out chairs where the wedding was taking place, and I helped take pictures of the bride getting ready.

Once 2 o'clock rolled around, we got everyone in their seats and it was show time. I was moving all over the place filming shots for my friend Adam, who needed someone else to film (Moments like this make me glad I bring my video camera every where.), and taking pictures. I probably climbed up and down the stairs about 20 or so times. I didn't mind because I was getting in a little exercise. I did get a little burnt on my chest, but it's fine. It was a little bit of a long winded ceremony, but all in all it was a beautiful service and I am happy for Holly and Daniel!

The reception was fun. I got to see someone I worked with at camp in 2009 for the first time since then. It was a god thing because I missed her a lot. I hope to get to hang out with her in the future. Since a few of my friends are going to Clemson next semester, I can go visit her.

It was also a good day because I got to hang out with Elaine, my weight watchers meeting leader, and her daughter Karen outside of weight watchers. Elaine is Angie's best friend, and she was also asked to help out.

We got to dance a little bit, and had a blast before we had to start cleaning up the place. Once everything was put away and we got all of Lorraine's wedding things together, we hit the road back to Easley.

Since we were heading back at around 5 o'clock, I was able to go to church. I was dropped off, and I was fifteen minutes early. It isn't my home church, and I normally walk in with Killian since he is my ride there, so it was a bit awkward. We didn't go out to cici's afterward. Killian had a family dinner to go to, I didn't feel like eating anything because I was full on cake and oreo truffles, and Brandon was going straight home. Matt wanted to go out, so he was a little disappointed.

I had a headache for the greater part of the day, and it didn't bother me until I got home. The moment I got home it became worse. It was to the point where I started feeling sick. It is basically why I didn't post a legit blog yesterday.

Besides the headache, it was a really great day. I always enjoy the time I have outside of the home.

Today's music video of the day is a song from my past. I have always loved this video and the song. It's probably the only time I've ever liked clowns. haha. I was listening to it earlier, and decided I wanted to post it not only to show off the video, but to also to show my thanks to all of you. Just listen to the song, and you will know what I mean. :) It's Natalie Merchant's video for "Kind And Generous" of her album "Ophelia"

Thank you! :)


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