I am calling this blog a borrowed post for this reason. I did this thing on facebook a few months ago where you list twenty Five random things about yourself. The only thing was, the facts were not really random, and anyone who knew me knew all those facts. That and it was also really rushed, and I didn't think it out. I decided for BEDA that I would completely redo the entire list, and make it to where if my best friend read it, they(I have two best friends Kathryn, and Clint) would have no clue about any of it. So here it is version 2.0 new and improved 25 random facts about myself.
1.) Here's The extent of my music fandom...If a song starts playing, more than likely I can name the band and the song title within the first measure of the music.
2.) Since I was little, I liked to learn the dance moves of music videos. I still do actually. I know the entire dance to The Pussycat Doll's "When I Grow Up." and half of "Single Ladies" by Beyonce. lol
3.) If I could be in any genre specific band, I'd so be in a Ska band!!!
4.) I do not go anywhere with out my zune, and almost anywhere without my camera.
5.) I collect quotes. All kinds. If you know of any good ones, send them my way.
6.) I only talk on the phone when I absolutely have to. If I had a cell phone, it'd mostly be used for text.
7.) I've always wanted to be on a roller derby team. I'm hoping to join one next year when I'm actually of age.
8.) I'd rather dance in front of a crowd then ever make a speech.
9.) I think my room is only ever clean for one week in a year. haha
10.) Most people like to eat, but I hate myself when I eat.
11.) I listen way better when I have a ear bud in one ear then without it. Don't ask me why.
12.) I am the easiest person to get with the phrase "That's what she said." I just don't know what I say until I say it.
13.) I love Cover songs by The Reel Big Fish. I like all songs by them actually.
14.) I'm boy challenged. I've only had one boyfriend, and when I tell someone I like them They normally only see me as either one of the guys, or just a friend.
15.) I want to be a koala Walla Woo Loo! No Lie!!!
16.) I like taking pictures of weird random things. Weird signs, weird plants, weird people. Anything really.
17.) I don't like wearing my hair up because I'm afraid of being mistaken for a guy. That's why I'll never have hair shorter than my shoulders ever again.
18.) I'd much rather receive an actual letter than an email. Makes things more exciting.
19.) I've never been on a plane and the only kinds of boats I've ever been on were paddle boats and kayaks.
20.) I prefer homemade or really abstract gifts over anything bought. That being said...I could probably start a lotion, and beauty shop with all the stuff like that I get. I never use it because it smells to strong.
21.) My favorite thing in my room is a glass chicken my best friend Clint and his family got me for my 19th birthday.
22.) I think the only time I'm not listening to music is during church, or when I'm at other people's houses. Other than that I always have it playing.
23.) My two years in marching band were by far the best years of my life.
24.) I wish I was shorter because I love wearing high heel boots.
25.) Dolphins are my favorite water animals, Horses are my favorite land animals, and my favorite air animals are bats. The only reason why is because I found a baby bat while cleaning a bath tub at Awanita and it was so adorable, and helpless. I named it Blinky. I wish myself and Zack could keep it, but everyone thought it was weird...so we had to let it go. :(
Well that's it. I hope it helped you get inside my mind a bit more.
I'm off to go record a video...maybe. Depends on what I feel like.
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