Friday, April 3, 2009

Third day of April and...

...I really have nothing to blog about, but I'd really like to do my best at the BEDA challenge.

I always love a good challenge...I mean I did stick through marching band. That was a challenge in and of itself.

Tonight is the season premiere of "The Best Years". Now I normally don't like shows like that, but I just started liking it. The show first made it debut years ago. I though that it wasn't going to come back, that we were just going to be left with a cliff hanger (And I really can't stand when a story is left like that). Well it has finally come back, and in good time too!!! I'll be able to see the entire season before I go off to Awanita. I wish they would have done that with Instant Star Last year. They didn't even replay any of it.

I am counting down the days to Awanita!!! I want this year to be different then last year. I feel like I alienated myself from everyone, and didn't form any strong bonds like I thought I would. This year is going to be different. I'm going to make sure I don't ostracize myself from the group. I am looking forward to leaving home this time. Last time I was scared, and now I know what it's like to away from home. I actually like it. It actually was a boost for me to want to move out, and move forward in my life. It's a great feeling.

I just need to get situated.

I just can't believe it's already almost summer again. It just feels like time has flown by. I'm looking forward to the future, but I like living in the present. I just want to know that I've fulfilled everything I want in life.

Anyway I though I'd start doing what I used to do on my live journal, and post a video of the day, and a quote of the day.

Video of the day is from LiveLavaLive. He's really good at making really artistic videos and this one is my all time favorite of his. It's "The Idea"

And the quote of the day is a quote I found the other day for a friend of mine. It's a musical quote, and it speaks a lot of truth!!!
"If a composer could say what he had to say in words, he would not bother trying to say it in music" ~Gustav Mahler

That's pretty much it for today. I will probably have something more interesting tomorrow....Hopefully!!!

Much love

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Band is definitely a challenge in itself. Good luck with whatever it is you were talking about for this summer. Is that a camp?