Saturday, April 13, 2013

BEDA 2013 #13: Throw Back.

I just want to make an addendum to a previous post dedicated to a certain someone.  I don't know your story, I get that, but I don't care about your business.  That's your business, and I respect that.  On the other hand, when you are at work, do work, and don't be a whiny little troll about it.  Myself and others get tired of having to pick up the slack.  It gets very tiresome.  This blog is my way of expression my feeling, frustrations, and thoughts.  I wouldn't have to post blogs like the one I did if there were no problems, and if you have a problem with that, then to use your own words, mind your own business!

Now that I got that out of my system, it can now be out of mind (hopefully).

Onto happier things.

I finally got my reading stride back, and have gotten through the book that I should have finished about two weeks ago.  I hate being distracted by other things.  It is not that I have no interests in the book I was reading, but Atlanta came up, and then I got the Hyrule Historia (Which I mention a lot because it is just that amazingly awesome!), and I just have the strongest urge to read through it.  I am getting through it pretty quickly, and I am loving it.  I just read it before bed, and get through about ten pages every night.

Patrick introduced me to an anime called Guyver; Bio-boosted armor, and it is pretty awesome.  Way before I even met him, he had bought a box set of the amine, but it was missing parts one and seven.  I bought them for his birthday this year, and as an added birthday present, I would watch the series with him since it is his favorite anime.  We are currently are on episode 5 and I am enjoying it so far. Apparently the manga that the series is based off of is 300 volumes long and still running.  That is pretty impressive for a manga.  Not many last longer than 50 let alone 100, so it must be a very successful series.

Toady I am going to leave you with the theme song from Guyver.  I think it is a pretty cool song, and the opening sequence to the show is pretty cool as well.

Until tomorrow.




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