Thursday, April 18, 2013

BEDA 2013 #18: A Quickie

I am still at Patrick's house, and I left my laptop at my house.  So it was either post a quick blog here, and drive safely, or try to drive home super quick to write a quick blog.  I think we all know which one won out.

I basically just cleaned my room today.  I vacuumed, and now I just need to figure out where things should go.  Vacuuming my room is my accomplishment of the day because my floor NEEDED IT!!!  While doing it I watched the rest of Josh Jepson's Ocarina of Time let's play while doing it.  He is one of my new favorite let's players.  I also caught up on The Runaway Guys LP of The New Super Mario WiiU game.

Either than that, I haven't done anything really of interest.

That was my quickie blog.

Until Tomorrow, and a better blog.



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