Wednesday, April 24, 2013

BEDA 2013 #24?: Bi-Polar blog is Bi-Polar!

These first two paragraphs are rather depressing, so if you want to skip them, go ahead.  I would not blame you at all.  I just need to vent about how I feel today, and how I will be feeling about tomorrow.

You ever have those days where you just want to be void of all human contact.  Except for two people, those being my mom and Patrick, if I didn't talk to anybody else, I would be perfectly fine.

I have always been one of those people who could be a real people person, and love to make friends, then have my days where I am introverted like crazy, and not want any human interaction at all and be fine with it.  It really is a toss up when I am like that.  One thing that always causes my introversion was when certain people make me frustrated, push my buttons, or just use me basically.  I felt like yesterday, and it was not fun at all.  Yesterday was my day off too, so it just made it even more frustrating.  The next day off I have coming up (Which is Friday) is going to be filled with me taking my brother to Atlanta, and I am basically going to be driving for 2 or more hours, sitting in my car for the four hours he is going to be doing his Wing Chun stuff (Probably bored out of my mind, and with no internet.  I just have a feeling), and then driving home for another 2 or more hours.  That's a fantastic way to spend your day off isn't it?  Could you feel the sarcasm seeping from that sentence?  I hope so.  It would be fine if I had somebody with me that could drive as well, and if needed take over driving if I got too sleepy, or just to keep me company while Eric is doing Wing Chun.  I am hoping to find something to do for the time he is going to be doing his Lessons with a grand master, but I have little hope that I will find something that will catch my interest for four hours.  If any of you who live in the Atlanta area know of something that is free to do and can entertain for hours, please let me know.  I am very desperate to not be bored.

Yeah.  This is a pretty depressing blog so far.  I wouldn't be surprised if you didn't make it this far in my blog.  I will hope to be happier in the rest of this blog.

I finally found myself a dress to wear at the masquerade ball at Misti-Con, and I am super excited!  I feel so incredibly happy when I am at Potter cons.  I just ooze with joy, and it is the one environment where I want to be around people all the time.  My mom and I are going, and we are super excited, but I feel like the time for us to go has just crept up on us.  It just felt like yesterday that we had a couple of months to prepare.  Now we have a little over two weeks.  I still have a couple of things I want to do cleaning wise around the house and in my car, and I still have a few make-up and costume things I need to figure out for my cosplay.  I also have to create a to-pack list, and I feel like I am not prepared at all.  It is coming too quickly, and I am excited, but it could slow down a little bit.  Well at least until I have everything I need at least it can slow down, but after come as quickly as possible!

I want to play a happy song today for you all, so I am going to go back to the early 90's for R.E.M.'s "Shiny Happy People".  Even though this song is meant to be ironic, and was kind of rebelling against the poppy music that was coming out at that time, but I can't help but smile and be happy every time I hear it.  I just want to dance and sing along every time it comes on.  Here it is.  I hope you all enjoy it, and that it makes you smile as it makes me smile when I need it most!

This was a rather long, and almost bi-polar post.  Happy here, and depression there.  Here is to hoping tomorrow is a happier post, and until Tomorrow.



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