Friday, August 27, 2010

Busy day reflects a not so long blog.

My mom thinks I'm downstairs.  I guess she didn't see me go up the stairs.  Oh well.

The days I end up having to go into work early are always the days that I have to get a lot of stuff done.  I need to wrap a book so I can send it off.  I have to write this blog.  I've already edited and rendered my vlog for the day.  All I have to do is upload that.  I need to buy headphones before I actually clock into work, and I need to pack first thing when I get home.  Too much!!!

I'm hoping that I can write my blog and at least film my vlog for both my channel and the Seven Awesome APs channel.  I love being apart of collab channels, but I feel bad for my friends that have to watch craptastic videos because of my time restraints.  Sometimes I love having a bit of a life, but it cuts out some of the stuff that I love doing.  Vlogging and blogging are things I love doing, and now that I have a feel for how I like to do it, I don't think I'll stop doing either one of these things.  Granted it won't be every day like this month, but it will be more often than I have been doing before.

That's all I really have to say! 

Best Wishes and DFTBA

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