It's that time of the year again. I loved doing Beda (In April) last year. It was quite a fun experience. This year I am doing both Veda and Beda because I have nothing better to do with my life. That and I haven't blogged in a while and I miss it. :)
I have yet to make a blog post about Infinitus! This one is three weeks in the making.
Infinitus was by far my favorite week ever in my whole 21 and a half years of living. I hate to say it, but it tops my Senior year band trip.
I met so many cool people while I was there. Some of them youtube "famous", some people from Accio-potter (One of which I was hanging out with and didn't realize she worked there until she sent me an email shortly after.), and met all of the orchestra, cast, and crew of the final battle.
I was almost afraid I wasn't going to make it there because someone I couldn't get in contact with the person I was supposedly going with. It freaked me out, so like the paranoid narcissist that I am, I posted it on Facebook. Luckily Lena saw it, and reacted immediately! She booked a plane trip for me.
If nothing, this weekend was a bunch of firsts for me. My first plane ride, my first trip by myself, my first time going to a convention, my first time meeting people I met online, my first time going to a wizard rock concert, my first time playing in a musical, my first time taking a train, and my first time paying for almost everything (I still have to pay back the other half of the plane ticket).
It just shows how much I have yet to do in my life.
The main reason for my going was for the Final Battle. It was stressful, demanding, tiring, and frustrating at times, but it was totally worth it for the final product!!! It went so well, and it was so well received! It was awesome to hear the reactions people had to it. They cheered, booed, gasped at all the right times. It was amazing!!!
The best news I heard there was Mallory (The Director) say after the performance, "Let's do it again at LeakyCon!". At first a lot of us were questioning this. We weren't sure if she was being serious, but word got around that indeed we will be performing it again at LeakyCon Next summer!!! I am so excited! I already know my plans for July 13-17 of next year! I have already started saving up. This year is good because I have a lot longer of a time to save up than I did for Infinitus (I got my job about 6 months before Infinitus and I also have to factor in the fact I paid close to $300 for driving school and $200 for registration.) I will be better prepared this time!
I really can't explain how awesome Infinitus was except that I had an absolute blast. Afterward I had extreme Post Potter Depression because I miss everyone, and I miss the awesomeness. I am now anxiously awaiting LeakyCon, and wondering what amazing things will happen there.
I will never forget Infinitus for as long as I live.
Anyways I am going to and try finish reading Chamber of Secrets for 7books7days (Where myself and others are reading all seven Harry Potter books in seven days.)
Good night everyone and best wishes!!!
Okay, okay. Whoa. I need sectinos. <-- I meant "sections" but "sectinos" is way more fun.
A) I'm SO GLAD you had such a blast!! You totally deserved it and I'm so happy all your hard work paid off and you got to have such an incredible experience.
B) Congrats on all the firsts! It's pretty much guaranteed that you'll remember a lot of the little details of the trip since so many that might not be of significance otherwise are rather significant this time! :)
C) Let me get this straight. This month you're vlogging AND blogging daily? AND this week you're ALSO reading ALL SEVEN HARRY POTTER BOOKS???? Mind = blown.
You. Are. Awesome! :)
AWESOME. You are just awesome, Alicia! It sounds like you had such a fabulous time! I would LOVE to see you play the Final Battle at Leaky Con next year. How super fun would it be to rendezvous there?! :D
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