Would anyone judge me for having to spell out sentimental out in the blogging area to see if I've spelled it right?
So yesterday I was looking at a JCPenny's magazine that my mom got in the mail, and saw that one of the Junior's shirts had a skull and crossbones on it. I liked it and said to myself, "I would have worn this years ago...if it wasn't for the heart eyes." It got me thinking that the world has changed so much!
In middle school and high school I'd wear or draw a skull and cross bones and people would think that I was either an angry person, morbid, or down right evil. Now it seems like it's normal to wear it now. I have been ridiculed, teased, and put down for being a nerd in school, and now it is high fashion. I have been played video games since I can remember, and have been made fun for doing so because I was a girl and girls weren't suppose to like video games. Now I hear all of these girls that say they play video games, but I mostly just hear them talk about Rock band and guitar hero. (I'm not talking about the serious girl gamers like me though.) (I will say this. Rock Band is fun and I do like playing it, BUT Frequency and Amplitude are by far my favorite Rhythm based games out there. Second is DDR.) Anyways, In just a few years, things that I treasured for being unique and different is now the "it" thing, and I'm not sure if I quite understand what is going on.
Am I the only one that thinks that? Has anybody else though, "What the hell is going on?" I'd like to hear people's opinion and I'd like to hear what else has went from being a social no-no to being the new thing.
Best Wishes and DFTBA!
1 comment:
First of all NO I TOTALLY don't judge you for spell-checking!! So much better than just not bothering! <3
And yes I totally know what you mean. I think we're just ahead of the game, and it takes the rest of the world a few years to catch up and realize that what they thought was lame is awesome.
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